Brasília Pantone: Brasília has many tones

If you just landed in Brasília you may be still somewhat puzzled about the iconic buildings, expansive spaces, the orderly superquadras (superblocks), and the red soil cross-crossed by strings of asphalt. I bet that, after a few hours, you got the distinct impression that it all looks like horrible the same.

You gotta even agree with most of Brazilians that Brasília is a monumental but uninhabitable city. That is the moment when you realize that dull days with nothing to do are right ahead of you.

Well, I can't blame you. I try many times to put myself in outsiders' shoes just arriving in my own town. Only to learn how to deal with the feeling of coming across with such a modernist experiment. Indeed, those who come to visit the capital after a season in Rio, São Paulo or Salvador has every right to dismiss Brasília as a city for the living. But allow me to disagree: as much as one should not compare Brazil to Germany for many reasons, any attempt to put Brasília on the same level as Salvador is just unfair.

Despite all haters, Brasília is vivid.
A box with surprises.
And of colors.

Look at our sky. It is our biggest asset. Go to Ermida Dom Bosco, watch a sunset from there and then we can talk about colors.
Even the dry grass has it charm. Add Ipês trees to it and get amazed by a unique striking contrast.
Buildings are painted here and there - symmetrically, yes - but so what? We do have enough street art to speak for the anarchy just like any unplanned city.

These are only a few examples. Brasília has plenty of them.

I invite you to go check out those and other chromatic scales of the city gathered in an experiment called Brasília Pantone.

Brasília Pantone is the result of a workshop carried out by Gabriela Bá to take pictures across the capital with a focus on its colors.

The launch of the book will take place on 15th August, 2015, at 4pm at the BSB Memo. There will be an exhibition of pictures taken during the workshop plus music from 3 guest DJs. The book will be available for download for free. Take the chance to talk to brasilienses and learn their opinion about our color palettte.


Brasília Pantone
15th August, 4pm
Local: BSB Memo (CLN 303 – Bloco A – Loja 20)
Free entry.

Learn more
36 hours in Brasília

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