Festival Latinidades 2015: Black Cinema

If you have been out for a beer in Brasilia, you may have already come across with one of the beautiful popcorn boxes to promote the Festival Latinidades 2015, a festival timed to coincide with the Afro-Latin American Caribbean Black Woman’s Day¹ which takes place in the capital from 22th to 27th of July.

Festival Latinidades is arguably the biggest festival devoted to black women in Latin America and was born in 2008 of the nonconformity of two women: the cultural producer Jaqueline Fernandes and the video-maker Chaia Dechen. They were part of a collective from Brasilia connected to hip hop that discussed racial issues. 

Black cinema is the thema of Latinidades this year to discuss the role of black women in the cinematographic network. This is the chance for the black community to increase their representation. According to the producer, having the festival in the capital encourage people to self-declaration and celebration. It is important to note that the number of Brazilians declaring themselves preta (Brazilian word for 'black woman') had increased to 16 million. It is a major issue since many black in Brazil women still struggle to not be identified anymore by "morena", "mulata" or "marrom-bombom", words referring to lighter skin tone of some black people but meant to minimize their blackness. Learn more about this issue here.

I can say myself that it is indeed pretty good to see beautiful black girls and guys wearing turbants or black power walking around to hand in flyers of the festival when all the other parties are promoted by blonde, light skin models. It is therefore clear that black people do need a representation beyond stereotypes. This issue will come under the spotlight at the Latinidades's schedule.

Latinidades Sustentável | Latinidades & Sustainability 

In 2015 the Festival Latinidades has been inspired by a theme that is of interest and responsibility of every citizen i.e. sustainability. As a way to contribute to a better world, this year the Festival has prepared a series of to approach the theme.

Vem de Bike / Go by Bike

There will be a well lit bike rack at the Cine Brasília. Do take the chance to ride Brasília by bike, but do not forget the locker!

Linha Latinidade Sustentável / Sutainable Bus Service

The Latinidades established a partnership with the Ministry of Education to provide a bus to and from the festival. The timetable is available at the website of the Festival. The bus will depart from the National Theater. Do leave your car at home and take the bus, which is free of charge.

Estacionamento com segurança | Secure Parking

The Festival has organized a secure parking lot at the La Salle school situated at the 906 Sul with the aim to avoid disturbing  the residents living near the Cine Brasília. In case you do prefer to come to the festival by car, you are being requested to leave it at the provided parking lot and ride to the event by vans available at the scheduled time.

Coleta seletiva | Waste collection

Focusing on the citizen's initiative, visitors to the Festival are being asked to collaborate with the waste collection during the Festival. All recyclable material collected during the event will be donated to one hundred families who profit from it at the Apcorb, a related co-operative-run at the L4 Sul.

Campanha de doação do lixo eletrônico | Recycle your E-waste

On 25th and 26th there will be a bus as a collecting point of e-waste to be donated to the Estação de Metarreciclagem, an initiative that works with digital inclusion of disadvantaged youth from communities around Brasília's area.

Varal Social | Clothesline Pick-up

Cluttered clothe? The festival is giving you the change to give away your gently used clothing. There will also be the free pick-up option! 

Oficina de horta orgânica em pequenos espaços | Workshop on small-space gardening

The festival will host a workshop on small-space gardening on Saturday, 25th July at 10 am to be delivered by Juarez Martins, an environmental farmer and manager. The workshop will cover a range of issues, such as the importance of growing your own crops, required tools, methods for plowing etc. 

Oficina de porta lápis criativo | DIY Pencil Holder Workshop

The art teacher Jacimara Guerra will hold a workshop to teach how to design pencil holders made from recyclable materials. It will take place on Saturday, 25 July at 2 pm at the Espaço Quilombinho.

Acessibilidade | Accessibility 

The Festival will provide professionals delivering Brazilian Sign language used by deaf communities of urban Brazil. There will be reserved areas for wheelchair users. 

Consumo consciente | Responsible consumption

With the aim of reducing the use of natural resources, all certificates to be issued during the festival will be in electronic form or printed with typefaces that consume less ink (Ecofonts). 

Leve seu próprio copo evitando o uso de descartáveis | Plastic-Free Cups - Bring your own 

Sticking to the sustainable approach of the Festival, visitors are invited to bring their own cups to avoid the use of disposable waste. 


Some of other features at the festival are:

Wednesday, 22th July | 9.30 pm

Concert with the Brazilian samba singer Elza Soares.

Thursday, 23th July | 6.30 pm

Orchestra playing Berimbau, the single-string percussion instrument, a musical bow, from Brazil and with origins from Africa.

Thursday, 23th July | 9.30 pm

Concert with Folakemi Quinteto, led by British singer with Nigerian roots Folakemi to play neo-soul, Jazz, Funk & Blues songs.

Saturday, 25th July | 9 pm

Concert with Conka, Brazilian hip-hop artist. 


Movies on black community and representation will be shown during all the festival, besides panels, round tables, workshops and much more. More information about the event, which was created in 2008 and consolidated itself as the biggest festival of black women in Latin America is available on the event website.

Follow the Latinidades on Facebook.

¹July 25th is the International Afro-Latin American and Afro-Caribbean Women's Day: The day to celebrate the resistance to racism and sexism of black women in Latin American and the Caribbean

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